Tips For Choosing An Area Rug

Tips For Choosing An Area Rug

Looking to add flair and function to your interior? An area rug can help you achieve these goals! From bold, contemporary patterns to more minimalistic designs, area rugs come in an extensive range of styles to suit every décor scheme. When shopping for the perfect rug to complete your space, it’s helpful to have guidelines on choosing the appropriate size, shape and style. So, our Conshohocken flooring store is here to offer a few pointers!

Choosing An Area Rug: Tips from Our Conshohocken Flooring Store

In search of an area rug that complements your space and checks every box on your wishlist? Keep these tips in mind:

  • Size – Of course, the proper sizing for your area rug will depend on where it will be laid. As a rule of thumb, the edges of your rug should be about 6-14 inches away from the wall or the transition point to the next room. In a dining room, an area rug should ideally be large enough that all chairs remain on it when pulled out completely. To ensure a balanced & comfortable living space design, you’ll want to select a rug large enough for the front furniture legs (or all furniture legs) to sit on it.
  • Shape – Area rugs come in a variety of shapes, from rectangular to circular to octagonal. To decide on a rug shape that fits your space, take a cue from your furniture. For example, a circular dining table will pair well with a circular rug. Similarly, a rectangular rug is a good choice to frame a bed.
  • Style – If your rug will be placed in an area that receives a considerable amount of foot traffic, a low-pile variety is likely to be your best bet. Low-pile rugs such as flat-weave rugs trap a minimal amount of debris and can be cleaned in a snap. A fluffier rug may be used to cozy up an area that receives less foot traffic – just be aware that it will require more careful maintenance.

As for rug color/pattern, the choice is all yours! We suggest thinking about what you aim to achieve in your design with your new area rug. Whether it’s adding a pop of color & texture, or defining a space, let your goals and instincts guide you to your perfect rug!

Work with Our Experts to Acquire the Rug of Your Dreams

Eager to take your home’s style and comfort to the next level with a modern area rug? The professionals at Norman Carpet are here to help you select a fantastic option for your space!

We offer an immense selection of rug colors, patterns and sizes, and we can even custom-fabricate your perfect area rug upon request! To begin collaborating with our design specialists, call our Conshohocken flooring store at 800-220-RUGS (7847), stop by one of our showrooms or request a shop-at-home appointment today!

Norman Carpet One is proud to be part of the Carpet One network.

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